Historically, figurative paintings have been reserved and designated to men as a form of media to control, consume, and exploit the female body; eventually toeing the line of pornography by the late 19th century. I became aware of this exploitation at the ages of 14, 17, 18, 21, again at 21, and once more at 22. I chose to retaliate against this historical lack of representation and control over the female body by utilizing my paints, and being on the other end of the brush to reclaim the power taken from me and countless other survivors.

Experiencing sexual trauma, a young girl turned woman too soon provides the framework for my practice. Seeking to give voice to the 2 in 3 unreported victims, who are continually told to keep these experiences to themselves; I shout my experiences and force the viewer to experience what life feels like post-sexual assault. These images are not a cry for help, they are a conversation, a discussion, and an understanding nod to my fellow victims.